Monday, November 21, 2011

Color Wheel Autumn Walk

I don't have time to do everything I want to do at preschool.  But, I still like to do them with my own little ones.  Here is an idea I had that turned out so beautiful.  We have been talking about the color wheel in preschool and how colors have opposites, how colors change, etc.
One warm, fall day we went on a walk.  We had 6 bags with us.  Each bag had a color written on it.  As we walked we collected things outside that were colorful and put them in the right bag.  Back at home I drew a color wheel on some 12x12 card stock and wrote the color word above each piece of the pie.  We talked about color mixing, complements and primary colors as Lily (and our buddy, Claire) glued their finds in the right spots.

They turned out better than I would have hoped.

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